Weekly Recap: Finally Home Edition

Well, after deciding not to drive all of the way to South Florida last night, I stopped past the Florida State line and just got home roughly an hour ago. As I stated yesterday, I learned quite a bit about the technology offered in East Tennessee and tomorrow I will be posting a Q&A with one of the directors of LOPSA-ETENN. I am looking for ways to expand even further than I have thus far in less than two months, it’s time for the .com to be up and running and hopefully this week I should have an announcement regarding that.

This week in addition to the LOPSA-ETENN Q&A, I will (hopefully) be unveiling the ConsensualTechs logo. I will also give a recap of East Tennessee’s technology scene and discuss what could very well be Miami’s biggest convention of July.

Links of the Week and a Look Ahead

This past week was without its major conferences but it was far from slow as far as science and technology goes. There are plenty of big time video game sales going on with the Steam Summer Sale as ell as Gamefly’s sale.

  • British scientists have discovered a technique which can make a decayed tooth repair itself.
  • Scientists have created a bionic pancreas that outperforms insulin pumps.
  • Democratic lawmakers will unveil a piece of bicameral legislation Tuesday that would force the Federal Communications Commission to ban fast lanes on the Internet.
  • Tesla is now most important automaker in world, Morgan Stanley says.
  • Hackers reverse-engineer NSA’s leaked bugging devices.
  • Quantum computing firm calls ‘bullshit’ as scientists undermine its technology

This week we will explain quantum computing and speak with an expert in the field, Austin Fowler, a quantum computing researcher at University of California, Santa Barbara and an honorary researcher at The University of Melbourne. We will also speak with former professional blogger David Peralty, who will explain how to monetize your blog. I will be showing how I fix a disease ridden laptop and attempt to bring it back from the dead, however there is no cure for choosing Vista as your OS.